Debra Prinzing

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One Month to The Flower House Launch with Floral Savant Lisa Waud (Episode 211)

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015
Lisa Waud, pictured at The Flower House press preview on May 1, 2015

Lisa Waud, pictured at The Flower House press preview on May 1, 2015

I love this pic of Lisa Waud (left) and me, taken by Heather Saunders at The Flower House press preview on May 1st.

I love this pic of Lisa Waud (left) and me, taken by Heather Saunders at The Flower House press preview on May 1st.

theflowerhouse_graphicI jumped on the phone a few days ago with Lisa Waud of pot & box, the botanical genius and visionary of The Flower House, the floral art installation that will open to the public in mid-October.

Listeners of this podcast heard my original interview with Lisa this past February when the plans and ideas for The Flower House were in their beginning stages. Since then, The Flower House news has been shared widely, but we can proudly say we heard Lisa’s personal story here first on the Slow Flowers Podcast.

Lisa reminded me of the amazing piece created by Hello Future Films, depicting her vision for The Flower House. I want to share it here for you to watch again. I find it so moving, and it makes me so proud to know and support Lisa and this phenomenal project.

Since doors to The Flower House open in exactly one month, on October 16th, Lisa agreed to chat with me for a few minutes to share her updates as preparations are revving up for this phenomenal, must-attend floral event.

We thought this would be a quick 10-minute interview, but the conversation was so engaging and Lisa and I were having so much fun discussing The Flower House that we spoke for a half hour.

Consequently, we’ve adjusted our program lineup and today’s episode is completely devoted to The Flower House and the very special Field to Vase Dinner that takes place on October 16th.

Lisa painted a beautiful picture of what’s to come . . . and here are a few beautiful bonus photographs taken by her cohort Heather Saunders, the official photographer of The Flower House. Your imagination will be stimulated, I promise!



Here is the link to purchase your ticket to tour The Flower House, Oct. 16-18.

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VOLUNTEER at The Flower House

Now is the time to put an X on the calendar and check out flights to travel from your home town to Detroit!


Add a visit to The Flower House and reserve a seat at the table for The Field to Vase Dinner on October 16th. Ticket details are here – and remember that listeners can claim a $35 discount by using the SLOWFLOWERS promotion code upon checkout!

Make the pilgrimage – it’s one of those experiences you won’t want to forget. Florists and flower volunteers, your talents are needed, too! As Lisa noted, there are many opportunities to get involved in this floral event of the year. I’ll be there and I hope you are, too!

Episodes of the Slow Flowers Podcast have been downloaded more than 64,000 times. I thank you and others in the progressive American-grown floral community for supporting this endeavor.

Until next week, you’re invited to join me in putting more American grown flowers on the table, one vase at a time. And If you like what you hear, please consider logging onto Itunes and posting a listener review. THANK YOU to each and every one of you for downloading, listening, commenting and sharing. It means so much.

The content and opinions expressed here are either mine alone or those of my guests alone, independent of any podcast sponsor or other person, company or organization.

The Slow Flowers Podcast is engineered and edited by Andrew Wheatley and Hannah Holtgeerts. Learn more about their work at

Local Flower Growers Say: “Pick Me” – The Field-to-Vase Dinner Recap

Sunday, October 20th, 2013

Note: This article originally appeared in the online edition of The Oregonian, October 17, 2013. Click here to read the online version where you can comment and Tweet the link. I want to acknowledge up front that the Field-to-Vase Dinner concept and format began in June 2013 at the Monterey Bay Greenhouse Growers Dinner, created by my friend Kathleen Williford of the California Cut Flower Commission. The Portland event earlier this month was based on her model and she was there in spirit! Follow Kathleen at @kathinated.

The Table is Set.

The table was set with American-Grown flowers, the vases containing stems from Oregon, Washington & California cut flower farms.



A shared meal, local food, local flowers and an important dialogue about American Grown Flowers.

A coalition of California cut flower farmers recently arrived in Portland, extending their hands of friendship to the local floral industry. They weren’t exactly holding olive branches, although those botanical elements would likely be found in a vase of California-grown blooms.

No, the reason was self-preservation, not just for the seven California farms in attendance, but for their counterparts in Oregon and Washington.

Their Field-to-Vase gathering took place on Oct. 8 at Leach Botanical Garden in southeast Portland, where a local caterer served a decidedly local menu to about 40 flower farmers, floral retailers and wholesalers, and designers.

Part flower summit, part floral showcase, the event brought together people who might otherwise view themselves as competitors. 
Collaboration is the best way to save American cut flower farms, maintained Lane DeVries of The Sun Valley Group based in Arcata, Calif., the largest cut flower farm in the United States.  
Lane DeVries

Meet Lane DeVries, CEO of The Sun Valley Group, America’s largest cut flower farm, and Chairman of the California Cut Flower Commission.

DeVries is also the current chairman of the California Cut Flower Commission, the organization that hosted the event.

U.S. flower farms once produced nearly 65 percent of the nation’s cut flowers, but over the past two decades, imports from South America have caused that figure to shrink to around 20 percent, DeVries said.

“We’ve actually seen cut flower operations go out of business in a lot of states,” he said. “The reason we are reaching out to (Northwest) flower farms is to work together as an American-grown domestic flower movement.”

Flower farming cooperatives are well established in the Northwest, dating to 1942 when the Oregon Flower Growers Association was founded. The wholesale farmer-to-florist market operates from a warehouse in Portland’s Swan Island industrial district with about 30 vendors.

In 2011, inspired by Portland’s home-grown floral business model, the Seattle Wholesale Growers Market opened on behalf of 16 Oregon and Washington flower farms.

Diane and Molly

Diane Szukovathy and Molly Sadowsky of the Seattle Wholesale Growers Market

According to Diane Szukovathy, a Mount Vernon, Wash.-based farmer and the Seattle growers’ market president, the emerging market’s locally grown efforts gained momentum last fall when it received $138,000 in USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant funds, administered in partnership with the Washington State Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

“The grant money helps us open more distribution channels for local farms to sell their flowers,” Szukovathy said. “Together, we can all shed light on major shifts in how people buy flowers.”

A wide variety of Northwest-grown flowers and foliage is found in the floral departments of New Seasons Markets.


These Farm Bouquets represent the participating flower farms from California, Oregon and Washington – a veritable bounty of botanical excess!

Katie McConahay, the chain store’s floral merchandiser, said she’s starting to expand her definition of what is local and seasonal to include California-grown flowers, especially during the winter months when production on Northwest flower farms is lower.

“When I buy for our stores, my focus is definitely on Oregon- and Washington-grown flowers,” McConahay said. “For many of our customers, California was not considered ‘local,’ but in order to sustain an American-grown floral product consistently throughout the year, California is a good year-round option for us.”

She hopes better product information and education at stores will help consumers see that domestic flowers, even from one state away, offer an alternative to imported ones.


The gathering was held in a quintessential Northwest venue: Portland’s Leach Botanic Garden.

fall bouquet

Seasonal, local and sustainable flowers – beautiful and of the moment.

For Christopher Papst, a manager-buyer with Greenleaf Wholesale Florist, based at the Portland Flower Market, bringing California flowers to the Northwest is a logical next step after sourcing locally, especially in the off-season when production is limited on Oregon and Washington flower farms.

“For one thing, the transportation costs are better,” he explained. “Ninety percent of imported flowers come through Miami, followed by three to four days on a truck. Even under ideal conditions, it’s still four days. For the freshness factor alone, I want California flowers.”

Increasingly, florists are coming to Greenleaf with specific requests for local and seasonal flowers, Papst added. “I just had a florist asking where our flowers originated from because she had a customer insisting on local flowers.”

Elizabeth Artis

Elizabeth Artis of Espe Floral + Foliage, a Portland designer with a commitment to local and seasonal flowers.

Elizabeth Artis, owner of Espe Floral + Foliage, a flower shop inside the Food Front Cooperative Grocery in northwest Portland, was encouraged by the connections she made at the gathering. Her studio’s tagline is “local, seasonal, sustainable, lovely,” a sentiment that resonates with her eco-minded customers.

“I’ve always considered California ‘local,’ and now I have a new vocabulary to communicate that idea to my clients,” she said. “As winter is coming, having flowers from California – just across the border – will give me more options.”

Local flower farmers
If you prefer domestic flowers:

Debra Prinzing is a Seattle-based design writer, author of “The 50 Mile Bouquet” and “Slow Flowers: Four Seasons of Locally Grown Bouquets from the Garden, Meadow and Farm” and creator of Slow Flowers, a new, free online directory to help consumers find florists who use American-grown flowers.