Online Flower Buying, Do’s and Don’ts
June 4th, 2009

hydrangeas and roses - straight from my garden in 2006
Here’s what you need to know when ordering flowers online or over the telephone.
Earlier today, I joined Jennifer Litwin, host of “The Shop Cop,” a national consumer advocacy program that airs live every Thursday at 10 a.m. Pacific on Voice America Radio.
We discussed ways that consumers can make the most of their long-distance flower purchases, including my tips on avoiding ripoffs, poor-quality product and bad service.
Here’s a link to the 15-minute segment.
Some of the recommendations I shared with Jennifer’s listeners include:
Check local rants and raves on Yelp, the consumer review site (search “flower shops” by city). Find a certified floral designer in your city or in the city where you wish to send flowers at the American Institute of Floral Designers.
October 3rd, 2010 at 11:10 am
Wow, Deb. I am sending this to Bob. He bought me roses after my sister passed away. Decided to buy them online for the first time. The google headline was Pink Lotus Florist Burien. He bought me red roses to be delivered upon my arrival home. The business is in Vancouver BC. and totally bogus. When they were not delivered I to the matter into my own hands, as usual, you know. When I called they would either hang up on me or put me on hold. Indefinitely. Fortunately Bob was able to get a refund from AmEx but had to change his credit card number. What a rip off, eh?
Maybe I should call Jesse James, King 5 News. The Pink Lotus is still listed on Google’s headline!
See you soon.